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Search results for get number from user:

  • Explanations of... - Why gets() is bad / Buffer Overflows
  • Explanations of... - A tutorial on pointers
  • What's the difference between... - main() / void main() / int main() / int main(void) / int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  • How do I... (Level 1) - Comparing strings (C)
  • How do I... (Level 1) - How do I get my program to wait for a keypress?
  • How do I... (Level 1) - Clear the screen?
  • How do I... (Level 1) - Convert a string (char array) to an int
  • How do I... (Level 1) - How do I get a number from the user (C)
  • How do I... (Level 1) - get a line of text from the user/keyboard (C)
  • How do I... (Level 2) - Work with files (C++)
  • How do I... (Level 2) - Flush the input buffer
  • How do I... (Level 2) - Work with files (C)
  • How do I... (Level 3) - Reading data from a socket
  • How do I... (Level 3) - Accessing a directory and all the files within it
  • Linux/Unix Specific - Working with Processes
  • Linux/Unix Specific - I/O
  • Linux/Unix Specific - Environment and user data
  • Prelude's Corner - Command line input
  • Script provided by SmartCGIs