This item was added on: 2003/03/13
Put simply, C++ is an extended C meant to improve safety, give the programmer more options, simplify higher level programming, and offer a better approach to large scale programming. C++ is also a larger language with more features and complexity than C, but C++ can improve productivity with its greater amount of features. A list of features that C++ supports which C does not includes:
- Classes
- Member functions
- Constructors and destructors
- Derived classes
- Virtual functions
- Abstract classes
- Access control (public, private, protected)
- friend functions
- Pointers to members
- static members
- mutable members
- Operator overloading
- References
- Templates
- Inline functions
- Default arguments
- Function overloading
- Namespaces
- Exception handling
- Run-time type identification
- // comments
- True const
- Declarations as statements
- Automatically typedef'd struct tags
- Type safe linkage
- new and delete
- bool keyword
- Safer and more robust casting
For explicit "gotchas" that throw off C programmers using C++, or C++ programmers using C, see our page on C vs C++.
Credit: Prelude